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Residential Window Cleaning

Why Hire a Professional Window Cleaner?

Clean windows are often not a homeowners first priority. But, if left uncleaned for too long, the buildup of dirt and debris causes tiny scratches and gouges in the glass through a process called etching, which leaves them looking permanently cloudy. Simply put, clean windows last longer, which saves you money on repairs.  We at Classic Clean, Inc., can reach every window safely, and we use professional-grade equipment and environmentally safe solutions to ensure your windows, frames, and siding receive the treatment they need.  Whether your windows are difficult to clean, hard to reach, or too numerous to handle alone, our professionals can help.  With every residential clean, our service includes, cleaning the glass, frames, tracks and screens.  Contact Classic Clean today at (406) 670-8553 for a free, no obligation estimate.    

  Reasons to clean your windows...

  • Clean windows, let in more sunlight, brightening up every room

  • Protect your investment. Clean windows maintain the lifespan of your glass 

  • Refresh your home for the holidays, spring cleaning, or large parties 

  • Selling or renting your home? First impressions mean everything. Clean windows increase your home's curbside appeal.


Commercial Window Cleaning

Importance of Having your Commercial Windows Cleaned

Clean windows make a statement.  They give an excellent first impression, no matter what your business is, of professionalism, attention to detail and attraction.  Having your commercial windows cleaned on a regular basis, whether that is once a week, once a month, or semi annually, will send a message that you care about your building and your customers.  With the general high volume of foot traffic in most commercial buildings, it is recommended that you maintain a regular schedule of window cleaning at your business location.

Our trained professionals will clean your windows by hand and with cutting-edge, specialized equipment. We service windows up to 4 stories high.


New Construction Window Cleaning

Necessity of having a Professional Clean New Construction Windows

During the process of construction, even the most meticulous builders will get construction debris on the windows, frames, and screens.  This debris can be in the form of glue, silicone, grout, paint, dry wall mud, or even concrete.  Having these windows cleaned by anyone other than a trained professional puts the glass at risk of being irreparably scratched. It is also important to note that some higher end window companies put a protective coat of plastic on the glass during the construction phase that protects the glass from the majority of construction debris.  When this plastic is removed, however, it leaves behind a film of glue that, when viewed in the sunlight, is very apparent.  We have the solutions and techniques to remove this film completely.


We at Classic Clean have serviced windows on hundreds of new construction projects ranging from 200,000 square foot apartment complexes to small single family homes.  We carefully assess every window before beginning the project to prepare for the necessary tools and methods needed to restore the glass to its pristine factory condition.


Hard Water Removal

Why it is urgent to remove hard water spots from glass

Many residential and rural areas in and around Montana have hard water.  Whenever water from a hose or sprinkler system hits the windows, it leaves behind a hard water residue that, if left unremoved, will build up and slowly get etched into the pores of the glass making it nearly impossible to restore the glass to its original condition.  

We use a special solution that is non-abrasive on the glass and frames and tools that fully remove the hard water without scratching the glass.


Solar Panel Cleaing

Benefits of keeping your solar panels clean

Having a solar panel for your home has its benefits for saving on energy costs.  However, solar panels are located in a place on your roof and sit at an angle that makes the panels a perfect surface to easily collect dust and dirt over time.  If left uncleaned, the amount of sunlight that reaches the panels will decrease substantially, making them less effective.

We clean the panels with our state of the art equipment and safe solutions to allow them to function at full strength.

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Pressure Washing

The complete home exterior makeover

Bad weather, high winds, and everyday use around the home can cause dirt and debris to build up on your siding, windows, awnings, porches, trim, and driveway.  That's why you need a regular pressure washing of your home to keep it looking fresh and clean and give it that brand-new look.


Gutter Cleaning

Importance of maintaining your gutter system

Gutter systems play an integral part in maintaining the structural integrity of your home or business. When leaves and other debris begin to accumulate in your gutters, their functionality will be significantly reduced. Our gutter cleaning specialists will be able to thoroughly remove any debris or obstructions from your gutter system, this aids in restoring it’s functionality and water redirecting efficiency.

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